imah> produk> Batré ion> Batré Lion 36V> 24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg
24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg

24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg

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Mnt. pesenan:1 Piece/Pieces
Atribut Produk

Model NO.LFP24100

Communication ProtocolRS485 Can

Transport PackageCarton Packing with Pallet


TrademarkLR or OEM

OriginGuangdong, China(Mainland)

Kamampuh produksi100, 000 PCS/Month

TypeLi-ion Battery

Cathode MaterialLFP





Bungkusan & Pangiriman
Ngical Unit : Piece/Pieces

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Harga Pusun 5Kh Steph 10kh Gratis Tembok 48V BUSTEPO4 LifePo4 100ah Batrin Tembok Balanja sareng Jaminan 10 taun
Panjelasan Produk

Info dasar.

Model henteu.
Protokol komunikasi
Rs485 tiasa
Sabanjang angkot
Karton bungkusan sareng palet
Mérek dagang
Lr atanapi oem
Guangdong, Cina (Mainland)
Kapasitas produksi
100, 000 pcs / bulan

Panjelasan Produk

Factory price rechargeable 3000 Times 24V 100Ah Lithium LiFePO4 Battery bank with certificate for solar system

Battery specification

model EA24100-100Ah
Capacity(C) 100Ah
rated voltage(V) 3.2V
Typical Impedance (mΩ) 0.6mΩ
Battery material LiFePo4 material

Combination method 1P8S
Minimal capacity(0.5C) 100Ah
Nominal voltage 25.6V
Max. charge voltage 29.2V
Discharge cut-off voltage 20V
Max Charge current 1C 1C
Max Continuous Discharge current 1C
Peak discharge current 3C
Standard charge current 0.2C
Weight (Approx.) 50Kg
dimension(L×W×H) 522*238*220MM

Operating  temperature
Charge temperature 0ºC~50ºC
Discharge temperature -10ºC~60ºC

Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage 3.7V
over-charge release voltage 3.6V
Single cell under-discharge cut-off voltage 2.0V
Discharge release voltage 2.5V
Over-discharge cut-off current delay 1.5S
Short-circuit protection 500A
Balance function /Temperature protection  Yes
RS485/CAN Communication Yes

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Énergi énergi (sayang) CO., LTD mangrupikeun equipsio-téknologi Hai-ngaran anu ngarujuk dina panalungtikan, produsas sareng mésér batré LImony4, / Biasae Cacher4.
Urang gaduh pangalamanan ngahasilkeun batré 3 taun tahina, sareng ngagaduhan pangsa pasar di Amérika, Éropa, Dubai, Pakistan jsb
Ienahna di shenzhen sareng Donguwas, urang gaduh dua babayan pringonal, duanana aya dialamkeun 1500 dunungan sareng ogé lulus tés Roh. Masing masing-masing produksi kami henteu tiasa terangkeun dina unggal léngkah prosés produkés, tina pamrosés bahan atah ngalangkungan unggal prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés manufaktur dina prosés pepelakan.
Salaku panyimpanan batre profésional, urang ngalala ngahasilkeun kualitas luhur, rékau luhur, marahmay, kaamanan
Solusi daya portabel pikeun kahirupan anjeun, hartosna, kami ngagaduhan sajumlah batré anu lega pikeun diperyogikeun sababaraha rupa produk, sapertos produk kimia, bilih aliran, gsson, bilih alpas, gps Batré, produk surya, contona sapédah, hev sareng produk listrik sanésna.
LR salawasna mayar langkung perhatian kana kualitas produk salaku kahirupan urang sareng parantos netepkeun ketat, kualitas ilmiah
Sistem kontrol numutkeun sarat ISO 9001: 2000 pikeun mastikeun kontrol kualitas tina pamilian sareng pariksa Kontrol kualitas (OQC). Samentara éta, kami gaduh sistem latihan anu lengkep, sadaya umsu kedah ngalatih sareng ujian sateuacan damel. Sistem manajemén ilmiah, kapasitas panawasan luka, Tim kontrol Kontrol Proses, kinerja anu unggul sareng Ladands anu saé pikeun seueur nampi kawéntar tiwas.

Seueur hatur nuhun pikeun perhatian anjeun ~!
imah> produk> Batré ion> Batré Lion 36V> 24v 100Apostro4 Batré Lifepo4 Solar, recharg


  • Tel: +86-0755-84514553
  • Hapé: ++8615219493799
  • email:
  • alamat: 203, No. 10, Chunyang Industrial Park, Zhugushi, Wulian Community, Longgang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

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